Orange County Vietnamese cocaine dealer busted, gets 10 years

By R. Scott Moxley, OC Weekly

With the recent sentencing of a Little Saigon drug dealer, an undercover Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) investigation into an Orange County-based, international cocaine distribution network has resulted in a total of 651 months in prison for eight defendants.

DEA infiltrates Vietnamese drug operation. Photo from OC Weekly.

U.S. District Court Judge Gary A. Feess this month handed Hai Van Pham a prison term of 120 months and a $25,000 fine plus supervised probation for five years whn he returns to freedom.

Whether prosecutors inside the U.S. Department of Justice and Pham’s defense lawyer were happy with the punishment is unknown.

Much of the case has been sealed from public view.

(Pham has used numerous aliases including Nguyen Nguyen, Tom Pham, El Chico Pham, Thanh Van Pham and Thanh Ngoc Pham.)

Read the full story by R. Scott Moxley from OC Weekly.

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