Tuesday, May 14, 2024

15 things you should know about Asian-Americans

By Stephanie Karina, Thought Catalog

1. Being Asian does not automatically make me a savant. But, yes, I can and will kick your ass at school.

Asian student

2. Asking me to help you with your math homework is okay. Using “I figured I’d ask you because, you’re — you know — Asian” and then giggling as if this were a reasonable justification will only induce me to tell you that two plus two equals six before walking away.

3. Broccoli and beef or chicken curry from a dinky, food court counter in the mall qualifies as authentic Asian cuisine just as about as much as hot dogs with mayo can be considered authentic “American” cuisine.

4. Even though stereotypes toward Asian females paint us as obedient, docile, or subservient, most of us embody none of the above. We are more tigers than we are sweet lotus flowers.

5. If you attempt to hit on me with racially charged pick-up lines, I will take the drink you bought for me and splash it over your head. I will respond favorably to neither “ni hao” nor “hello, China doll.”

6. Most of us are actually quite adept at driving. However, I will admit that I’m personally not the best example of this.

7. Spewing gibberish or making clucking noises with your tongue in an attempt to imitate the language that my parents and most of my extended family speak will only make me wonder why you lack the brain cells necessary to come up with a wittier shtick.

Read the full article by Stephanie Karina from Thought Catalog.