Saturday, May 18, 2024

Parking lot diaries: Leyah Nguyen

By Melissa González, Coast Report

Leyah Nguyen is a student who is determined to succeed.

Parking lot of Orange Coast College

At only 20 years old, she has set a clear path toward her future with a razor-sharp focus. She knows what she wants and how to get there and nothing can stop her momentum.
One key attribute that Nguyen possesses is crucial toward her ticket to success.

“I’m a really fast learner. It’s a huge benefit, because I love learning many things,” she said.

It is a talent she is very proud of and one that she uses to her advantage. Studying social ecology, Nguyen hopes to use her degree to help others as well as the planet.

“It’s a combination that focuses in psychology and environmental.  It’s about finding solutions to problems that affect the world,” she said.

Social ecology allows her to interact with people and examine how someone’s behavior can have a positive or negative consequence on the environment. It is also a study that focuses on creating long-lasting solutions on issues like famine, global warming and poverty.

Read the full article by Melissa González from Coast Report.